I get asked this ALL THE TIME, so let’s talk about the Strep Protocol.
*Disclaimer. I am not a Doctor. We make no medical claims in this group. Please talk to your own physician if you or your family are ill, and also consult your doctor before adding any new herbs or supplements to your routine.
Strep throat is nothing to mess around with. If it’s not addressed properly, the infection can spread to other parts of the body and do major damage. That said, pharmaceutical antibiotics often just suppress strep instead of completely killing it off. Then the bacteria come back even stronger. Antibiotics also kill off all the good bacteria in our bodies, which leaves our immune system weakened for many months or even years after just a single round. This is the reason people often get recurrent strep, other infections, or subsequent diseases like PANDAS. Herbs, however, do not work the same way. Pathogenic Bacteria cannot become resistant to plants because plants are ever growing and changing right along side the bacteria. Herbs also do not kill off good bacteria in our bodies, just the bad ones.
When my family (and clients) have encountered strep throat, this protocol has never yet let us down. It has helped us beat it FAST and FULLY with no recurrence.
Supplements we use for strep
Take one soft sweet clove of fermented garlic in a spoonful of the sweet honey, 3x daily until fully well. I highly recommend chewing the garlic (rather than just swallowing it whole) so that its healing components can fully distribute inside the mouth and throat. Garlic is a powerful natural antibiotic, and when its fermented in raw honey, it’s also full of probiotics that help support the immune system
This herbal tea blend is made with plants that will not only help to fight off the bacteria, but also will coat and soothe the throat, and help relieve the pain associated with strep. Best to drink this tea hot with strep, but you can also drink it chilled. Shoot for 1-2 cups a day. Try adding our fermented ginger honey mixed right in.
This particular blend acts as an anti-“all the things”. The herbs in this blend have been proven in studies to be antibiotic, antifungal, and antiviral. Basically, if your body is fighting something off, use this! Adults take 20 drops orally 3x daily, mixed into a glass of water or tea. Children under 10 use 10 drops.
Real bone broth is full of collagen and minerals that go a long way to soothe gut. Did you know that 80% of your immune system lives in the gut? Even if you aren’t having digestive symptoms, it’s always wise to give your gut extra support when you’re sick. It’s pretty easy to make your own bone broth. I’ll post about that soon, but you can also order this high quality bone broth from Judah’s Haven. Get at least 1 cup of bone broth into your body daily.
Gargle –
A good old fashioned salt water gargle takes it up a healing notch when you use the BEST Salt, and when you add a dropperful of Colloidal silver to it. Just a cup of warm water, 1/2 tsp of salt, and 1 dropperful of the silver liquid. Gargle this mix morning and night. I do not recommend swallowing colloidal silver in this instance or anytime, because 1- it’s a heavy metal, and 2- just like antibiotics, it kills off the good bacteria along with the bad.
Extra supplements that can also help-
This is a spicy tonic that helps to boost your immune system and reduce inflammation especially when you’re sick. Adults, take 1 Tbsp 3x a day, children use 1 tsp.
Elderberry is full of potent antioxidants that have immune supporting properties. I have a few options for buying it- a pre-made elderberry syrup with added vitamin C, A DIY elderberry syrup kit, or an elderberry tincture. Whichever you choose, I recommend taking 3 doses a day.
Oregano has proven to be a powerful oil that may rival antibiotics when it comes to treating or preventing various infections.
In addition, oregano is unlikely to cause many of the harmful side effects that are commonly attributed to high use of antibiotics. Adults take 20 drops by mouth 3x daily. Children take 10 drops.
Additional Healing Protocols to follow while treating Strep naturally
A nice hot soak goes a long way to help flush toxins from the body that contribute to disease. Add one pouch of our detox bath tea to a tub of very warm water, and soak every night until well. Be sure to stay well hydrated before and after a detox bath.
Coffee enemas-
I get it!! This sounds WEIRD. And it takes some getting used to. But I promise, once you get the hang of it, it is very relaxing! More info on WHY we do coffee enemas and HOW we do them HERE.
This is arguably the MOST important part of beating strep throat naturally. It is imperative to remove inflammatory foods from the diet until you are FULLY recovered. Many foods contribute to inflammation in our bodies, suppress our immune system, and literally FEED pathogenic bacteria and allow them to grow stronger.
Here are foods that you should avoid at all costs whenever you are sick, especially with strep throat-
-Processed sugar and artificial sweeteners. And that means no popsicles either! Many people think popsicles are a good way to hydrate and soothe a sore throat, but in reality the sugar feeds that strep bacteria and makes it worse!
A great alternative is to use raw honey as a sweetener. And try making your own popsicles out of 100% fruit juice.
-Dairy and starches. These foods contribute to inflammation and are hard on the digestive tract. Even if you normally do well on these foods, avoid them when you are sick. This includes cheese, milk, cream, rice, bread, wheat, pasta, oatmeal, noodles, foods made with white potatoes, and more. Grass-fed butter is ok. So make your healing chicken noodle soup without the noodles. 

-Seed oils. Seed oils are highly processed with chemicals and cause inflammation in the body. They really should never be eaten by anyone, but they put even more stress on the body when we are sick. The eight industrial toxic seed oils are Canola, Corn, Cottonseed, Soy, Sunflower, Safflower, Grapeseed, and Rice bran. Avoid cooking with them, and read your ingredients labels on any packaged food to avoid them. Good alternatives are avocado oil, coconut oil, pasture raised lard, grass-fed butter, ghee, tallow, and extra virgin olive oil.
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Category: Healing Protocols