Elderberry Tincture


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A tincture is an infusion of an herb or herbs, for medicinal use. Certain preparations of liquids are used to extract the beneficial plant compounds out of the plant solids. My tinctures are highly concentrated so a few drops goes a long way. To use a tincture, simply add a few drops to a glass of water and drink it. 

Hippocrates is said to have called the elder plant his “medicine chest,” and for thousands of years its therapeutic properties have been revered in folk medicine.

Now studies are starting to confirm what tradition has long held: elderberries are a delicious and effective way to support immune function during cold and flu season.

Elderberry is full of potent antioxidants that have immune supporting properties. Researchers found that flu patients who received elderberry extract noticed a reduction in symptoms about four days sooner than those who received a placebo.

Elderberries are also a good source of betacarotene (a precursor to vitamin A), calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin B6, iron, valerianic acid, viburnic and shikimic acids, tyrosine, and other health supporting alkaloids. Elderberries support the body’s natural process of resolving excess phlegm, and they support cardiovascular health including healthy blood pressure levels.

If you need something that's ultra concentrated, never going to spoil at room temp and is easy to use right out of the bottle, elderberry tincture is the way to go.

other ingredients- cane alcohol, filtered water

1 ounce bottle

None of my products are intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Consult with your physician before using any herbs or supplements.

Testimonial from a customer-

"I had a terrible sore throat that just wouldn't quit. I was worried it might be strep. I chewed and swallowed one of these honey garlic cloves morning and night along with a dose of fire cider, and my throat was completely better within two days!"