A parasite cleanse diet helps kill harmful organisms living in your digestive system by fighting bad bacteria and fungus that these parasites live off of. This type of cleanse involves following a diet that is free of all sugar and all grains.
I recommend that you limit your fruit intake or better yet, eat no fruit whatsoever.
Another food that can be very healing when fighting harmful organisms in your GI system is pumpkin seeds, as well as pumpkin seed oil. Pumpkin seeds support gut health because they contain compounds that can paralyze worms and make it difficult for them to survive in the intestinal walls.
Eat up to one cup of pupmkin seeds a day (https://amzn.to/3IqBh4k) for example, by adding some to a smoothie in the morning and another half a cup in the afternoon, or you can make pumpkin seed butter, throwing this into a blender along with pumpkin seed oil – https://amzn.to/3k73GDb
Here are some other top anti-parasite foods:
- Garlic and onions – Both of these immune-boosting veggies have anti-parasitic effects due to their sulfur compounds and antioxidants.
- Herbs – Certain herbs, like oregano and ginger, can have antibacterial and antiparasitic effects because they help increase the production of stomach acid, which can kill parasites and prevent infections.
- Pineapple, papaya and their juices – These fruits contain compounds that can help decrease colon inflammation. As part of a juice cleanse, their juices can also have anti-parasitic effects. *If you are following the candida diet as well, please avoid these fruits and juices.
- Fermented veggies- These naturally probiotic rich foods, like sauerkraut, help to detoxify the gut and push out harmful microbes. Learn how to make many types of delicious fermented foods in my online fermentation class- bit.ly/fermentation101
- Coconut oil – https://amzn.to/3K5Jjkt Coconut oil has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties.
- Probiotic-rich foods – Consuming high probiotic foods like kefir, sauerkraut and yogurt can keep parasites in check and improve the health of the gut.
- Apple Cider Vinegar— https://amzn.to/3YAcjFj Helps restore healthy pH balance and can generally improve digestion.
- Other fresh vegetables — These are rich sources of protective compounds that help nourish the gut, and they provide fiber, which encourages regular bowel movements.
- Bone broth — https://amzn.to/3lE7hsU This can help soothe and heal the gut from damage caused by parasites and Candida.
Here are the foods you want to avoid:
- Added sugar – Can feeds harmful organisms in the gut and contribute to inflammation.
- Processed foods – Do not support immune health and may be hard to break down.
- Alcohol – Does not allow for proper immune system functioning.
- Wheat – Many grains, especially those containing gluten, can break down into sugar quickly and cause intestinal inflammation.
- Pork – Can potentially be contaminated with parasites.
- Raw meat and raw fish – can potentially be contaminated with parasites.
Raw veggies can sometimes contain parasites as well, but soaking your veggies in a large pot filled with cold water, with a couple tablespoons of salt, baking soda, or apple cider vinegar can help kill them / clean them off.