Detox Face Mask


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This deep cleansing, yet soothing face mask is great for any skin type, but is particularly beneficial for oily skin. It’s a great compliment to our Charcoal Luffa Soap and Rose Water Facial Mist. It comes with instructions to mix the detoxifying powder with a bit of water and apple cider vinegar before applying to the skin.

It’s made with-


Activated Charcoal-

The visible skin benefits of activated charcoal are:

* Exfoliation without stripping the face of natural oil

* Deeply cleansing to pores

* Improves acne

* Removes blackheads

* Relieves skin impurities

* Detoxifying and purifying

* Shrinks pores

* Tightens the skin

* Treats insect bites.

* Washes away odors easily 

Bentonite clay-

Our everyday lives expose us to pesticides, lead, and trace metals like copper on a regular basis. These toxins can accumulate in the body and keep it from functioning correctly.

Bentonite Clay has been found to help absorb these toxins and others out of your body, and wash them away. The clay carries a slight electrical charge that attracts toxins deep in your skin, and pulls them out. 

It also helps draw out irritants from bug bites, bee stings, and poison ivy. 

Bentonite clay is also helpful for unclogging pores, and washing away excess oil. It’s very soothing for irritated skin. 

 Tea tree oil 

*Balances dry skin and oily skin alike

*Helps clear eczema, psoriasis, and other rashes

*Antibacterial, helps with acne

*Anti-fungal, helps with Candida

*Helps with itching 

*Fights all types of infection 

*Helps heal wounds 

This mask is also the perfect solution for an armpit detox. If you have switched from conventional deodorant to natural deodorant and you notice some irritation, itching, redness, or excessive sweating, this is caused by years worth of chemicals being pulled out of your lymph nodes and sweat glands. Conventional deodorant plugs up your sweat glands so your body cannot release any toxins. Making the switch to natural, starts allowing all the toxins back out of your body, and the result isn’t comfortable for many people. However, applying this mask to your armpits before showering can help alleviate the discomfort, and will help draw out the toxins more quickly, to speed up the healing process and help your natural deodorant work as it should. 

This packet contains enough to mix about 6 masks.

None of my products are intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Consult with your physician before using any herbs or supplements.