Judah’s Haven would love to help you bless others with this donation.
It is designed with mamas who have lost babies in mind, but it’s also the perfect thoughtful gift box to send to anyone grieving the loss of any loved one.
When we lost our baby Judah, so many kind friends sent thoughtful things in his memory. While nothing can take away the pain, a sense of peace coincided through the kindness of those who showed they cared.
Become a blessing to someone in need who you’ve never even met!
If you order this box and don’t specify who you’d like it to go to, we will send it to a mom who has lost a baby recently through our many connections.
Or, if you have a particular person in mind who you want us to send it to you may email, text us, or reach out on Facebook to let us know, and we will make it happen.
This combination of products is put together at 30% lower than our usual prices, and we just asked that you don’t order it for yourself but rather someone in need of a lifted spirit.
Here’s what’s included in the box-
- A hand written note including an uplifting scripture verse
- A soap of our choosing, depending on what’s readily available at the time of mailing
- A tea blend of our choosing
- A body butter of our choosing
- An herbal room spray of our choosing
- Includes gift wrapping in a beautiful box
- We will pray fervently over the recipient of each of these boxes that goes out.
*You will get charged shipping for this package separately if you order other items with it, since it’s meant to be delivered to someone other than yourself.