Comfrey Salve


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This is salve that you’ll use on your skin for bruises, sprains, muscle aches, broken bones, and joint pain. Works even better if used together with my Fire Cider.

The leaves of the comfrey plant have been used in traditional medicine in many parts of the world. In Japan, the plant has been harvested and used as a traditional treatment for over 2,000 years. It was originally called “knitbone” and people used it to treat:

* muscle sprains

* bruises

* burns

* joint inflammation

Europeans have also used comfrey to treat inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis and gout. Some traditional healers have also used it to treat diarrhea and other stomach ailments.

Comfrey contains chemical substances called allantoin and rosmarinic acid. Allantoin boosts the growth of new cells, while rosmarinic acid helps relieve pain and inflammation.

Comfrey salve is used to heal bruises as well as pulled muscles and ligaments, fractures, sprains, strains, and osteoarthritis, ulcers, wounds, muscle soreness, varicose veins, gout.

Some clinical research shows that comfrey has wound-healing powers too.

My Comfrey Salve also contains some other herbs for wellness support-

Chili Oil-

The impressive benefits of chili oil include protecting the skin, boosting cognition, relieving pain and soothing inflammation. These benefits come from the high amounts of capsaicin found in chili peppers. It promotes blood circulation and boosts cardiovascular health. Its protein content may help boost immunity and muscle mass.


A compound found in wintergreen, methyl salicylate, is closely related to aspirin and has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Aspirin is actually formulated in a lab to have the effects that wintergreen has, straight from nature. As such, wintergreen is often used as an anti-inflammatory and topical pain reliever.

Wintergreen has also been used in traditional medicine for the following conditions:

* bacterial infections

* colds

* headache


It’s is known to increase blood flow which can accelerate healing and pain relief. It’s very effective for headaches and inflammation. In addition to helping with seasonal allergies, peppermint is incredible at relieving itching. It has been shown to be an effective antimicrobial against certain strains of bacteria.


Basil is known to improve blood circulation and skin tone and can be used to treat acne and other skin infections.

Because of its anti inflammatory properties, basil is helpful in cases of arthritis, wounds, injuries, burns, bruises, scars, sports injuries, surgical recovery, sprains, and headaches. It can also help in reducing itching from bites and stings from honey bees, insects, and even snakes.

Because of the strong nature of some of the ingredients, this salve should not be used on children under 2 years old, or women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

other ingredients- avocado oil, olive oil, beeswax, clove, geranium

3 oz

None of my products are intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Consult with your physician before using any herbs or supplements.