Black Walnut Hull Tincture


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A tincture is an infusion of an herb or herbs, for medicinal use. Certain preparations of liquids are used to extract the beneficial plant compounds out of the plant solids. My tinctures are highly concentrated so a few drops goes a long way. To use a tincture, simply add a few drops to a glass of water and drink it. 

Black walnut Hull aids digestion and the intestinal system. It helps to relieve colic, heartburn and flatulence.

Black walnut hulls contain juglone, a chemical that is antibacterial, antiviral, antiparasitic, and a fungicide. As a skin wash, black walnut hulls are used to treat ringworm and yeast infections of the skin. Taken internally, black walnut hulls are used to treat intestinal worms.

Black walnuts contain arginine, an amino acid Which turns into nitric acid in the body. Nitric oxide is a vasodilator, which means that it makes blood vessels larger, and subsequently lowers blood pressure.

It is known to be a gentle and effective laxative. Black walnut is known as an effective antiviral and is used to fix warts, which are caused by viruses. Black walnut is an anti-fungus and has been used to fight herpes, cold sores, athlete’s foot, and Candida. It has been used as an antiseptic to combat illness like sexually transmitted infections and malaria and can be used to treat acne.

According to Scientific Labs:

* Black Walnut Hull may help to lower blood pressure and serum cholesterol levels and is believed to burn up toxins and fatty materials while balancing blood sugar levels.

* The tannins in Black Walnut Hull (and leaves) possess an astringent quality that is thought to shrink the sweat glands and reduce excessive sweating. The herb is said to help control menorrhagia, the excessive loss of blood during periods. It is also used to control diarrhea.

* Black Walnut Hull is considered a tonic that aids digestion and the intestinal system. It helps to relieve colic, heartburn and flatulence.

other ingredients- cane alcohol, filtered water

1 oz

None of my products are intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Consult with your physician before using any herbs or supplements.